Why Use Black Cumin Daily?
Today, many of us have learned to use Cumin because of its wonderful aroma and flavor. But do not realize the powerful anti-oxidant properties
It’s one of those wonder foods or superfoods. There are few downsides to it and many upsides!
Cumin has a remarkable history. It is such a powerful and versatile plant that it has stayed with us for over 5,000 years. And we are still learning what Cumin can do for us!
In fact, many modern researchers will confirm its ability to help with some mild to serious illnesses that people struggle with.
What can Black Cumin help with?
Some of those are as simple as poor digestion, insomnia, and skin troubles.
Other benefits of cumin can include help with anemia, poor immune systems, and even colon cancer prevention. This is likely due to its antioxidant properties.
In more recent years, cumin has also gotten recognition for improving cognitive brain function and concentration. This being due to the anti-oxidant properties. One could consider that as fewer free radicals travel through the blood that could help with that cognitive brain function and concentration.
Benefits of eating Black Seed?
Did you know too, that Cumin has even been shown to be beneficial in treating insect bites and painful stings? Isn’t it amazing how many truly powerful plants are out there to help us stay strong, healthy, vital and alert?
Here are some interesting tidbits about how our ancient ancestors used cumin.
• According to the Bible, cumin had such a powerful medicinal value that it could be used as money.
• The ancient Egyptians used it as a spice in foods and . . . to help with the mummification process!
• The Greeks and Romans used cumin as a spice on the dinner table. They used it similar to how we use salt and pepper today, but also applied it for medicinal purposes. One application was to help lighten their skin.
• In the Middle Ages, a time when spices were relatively rare, cumin was one of the most common spices. It was thought to promote love and fidelity as well as flavor food.
• Also in the Middle Ages, people carried it to weddings and walked around with it with their pockets. The practice was done because it was believed the cumin would prevent the couple from straying. (It was even common practice for a married soldier to go to battle with a loaf of cumin bread!)
• Lastly, cumin migrated to the Americas with the Spanish colonists.
Does eating Cumin give benefits?
Most of us really don’t have a clue when we’re eating our wonderfully flavored dishes that the Cumin is also helping to keep us in good shape.
There is one drawback to cumin though.
It’s somewhat unique and exotic flavor limits its use in much of the American cuisine. You’ll find it fairly common in Indian, Vietnamese, or Mexican dishes of course. And yes, if you go to Morocco, you’ll still find a shaker of cumin on the table.
That drawback to the common American fare typically means that this superfood is one you really need more of and don’t get.
For those of us who enjoy the great benefits of anti-oxidants, getting enough of them is always a challenge.
But just think, if Cumin really can improve cognitive brain function and concentration, isn’t that worth figuring out how to get more of it in your daily diet?
Moreover, what if there are other superfoods out there that could be doing tremendous good for your health and vitality like cumin can? Wouldn’t you like to know what they are?
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