Top Spirulina Health Benefits

.Top Spirulina Health Benefits

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. Because of this it that can help protect cells from damage. So what are the top Spirulina health benefits?

It contains minerals and vitamins. A true superfood. Including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma-linolenic acid. Many enjoy it in a smoothie, juice, or a powder. The health benefits of Spirulina are almost endless!

Benefits of Chlorella

One health benefit of Spirulina is it is chock full of chlorella. Which is rich in amino acids and essential vitamins. Hence, you can get many of the same benefits from Spirulina that you would from a multivitamin.

Blood Flow

When you are taking Spirulina you may feel a difference in your everyday life. And improved blood flow helps to oxygenate the lungs, which leads to better results with every workout.


Amino acids make up 62% of spirulina. It is used as a nutritional supplement because it is a rich source of protein and other nutrients. Although spirulina contains a certain level of protein, you would need to take very large quantities to see any effect.


Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids. These include the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA). This has received a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties. Especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements. And it contains all essential amino acids. GLA is difficult to find a food source and normally has to be created by the body. Especially relevant, Spirulina is one of the few foods with a natural GLA content.


Spirulina contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s.

Supports Immune system

Spirulina is extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps boost the immune system.

Protein Absorption

Chlorella benefits include heightened protein absorption, which helps to put less strain on the kidneys.


Tested by an independent laboratory Spirulina was found to have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of over 24,000. This is 4x the ORAC score of blueberries. The ORAC score is generally used to measure antioxidant ability and concentration in different foods.


When your muscles work in tandem with the circulatory, skeletal and digestive system, it results is more energy. All combined these benefits of spirulina give users a better health profile.

Heavy Metals

In addition, Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.

So there you have it, my INCREDIBLE top Spirulina Health Benefits!

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If you enjoyed this blog on the Top Spirulina Health Benefits click here for more!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.


Author: Lesley

We believe in a healthier and happier world through our choices. Finding solutions to today’s challenges and making it easier to choose the best ones is our passion and our business. When we started using Rain ® SOUL we couldn’t believe the difference it made! After years of challenges, Mike was able to enjoy the benefits of SOUL and Lesley felt the support her joints needed! We would love to share more testimonials and stories with you and find out how we can help improve your personal and financial health!! – Mike & Lesley Fahey

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