How Do I Start a Paleo Lifestyle?

How Do I Start a Paleo Lifestyle?

What does Paleo Lifestyle mean? Is it a Paleo diet plan? In general, eating Paleo means eating veggies, fruits, meats, fish, certain fats, nuts, and seeds. As a result,  it means removing grains (bread, pasta, rice, etc), beans, soy, dairy, certain vegetable oils, and refined sugar from your diet. How Do I Start a Paleo Lifestyle?

The Paleo Lifestyle rather than Paleo diet mimics the types of foods every single person on the planet ate prior to the Agricultural Revolution. It encourages dieters to replace dairy and grain products with fresh fruits and vegetables Meaning foods that are more nutritious than whole grains or dairy products.

The Paleo Diet is based upon extensive scientific research examining the types and quantities of foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate.

How do I start eating Paleo

The foundation of the diet is meat, seafood, and unlimited consumption of fresh fruits and veggies. If you’re really trying to lose weight and you’re not active at all, limit your fruit intake to one or two pieces a day, as carbs add up quickly and limit nuts and seeds to about 1 or 2 ounces per day, the calories can add up!

Beginners guide to Paleo


All veggies are acceptable, including sweet potatoes. Rather, fruit guidelines are the same as veggie guidelines. Organic fruit and veggies are best. Local and organic is even better. Most noteworthy, the less transit time there is between the farm and you, the more nutrients the produce retains.


Eat meats and eggs freely, but in order to mimic our ancestors best, eat these products from animals that were grass fed/pasture raised. All species are fine just be conscious of mercury levels and ecological practices. Know that smaller fish like anchovies generally have less heavy metals and toxins, and high levels of omega 3 fatty acids.


All nuts are good, as well as the butter that are made from them. Also on this list are coconut flour and almond flour. Peanuts are not nuts! – they’re legumes.

What else?

Some miscellaneous items would be, kombu, wakame, other seaweeds, algaes, fats such as-tallow (rendered beef fat), lard (rendered pork fat), coconut oil/milk/manna, extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, hazelnut oil. beverages ok are-Filtered or spring water-Herbal tea, Coconut water, Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables.

What should be avoided?

Foods to avoid would be grains, dairy, beans/legumes, high omega-6 vegetable oils,
refined sweeteners and artificial sweeteners, factory farmed meat, eggs, and seafood, also, refined iodized salt. Quinoa and some other seeds are still up for discussion by many.

In summary of How Do I Start a Paleo Lifestyle

So it really is just eating whole foods, unrefined foods, foods that come from the earth, not a factory.

If you enjoyed this blog on the How Do I Start a Paleo Lifestyle click here for more!

Happy whole eating!!


Author: Lesley

We believe in a healthier and happier world through our choices. Finding solutions to today’s challenges and making it easier to choose the best ones is our passion and our business. When we started using Rain ® SOUL we couldn’t believe the difference it made! After years of challenges, Mike was able to enjoy the benefits of SOUL and Lesley felt the support her joints needed! We would love to share more testimonials and stories with you and find out how we can help improve your personal and financial health!! – Mike & Lesley Fahey

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